Friday, January 14, 2011


记得那一年 那一段岁月
一个小小的家园 天天都怀念
一杯白开水 也可以很清甜
一碗热情汤面线 是一种思念
心若能放开一点 路就宽一些
财富和幸福之间 还有知足作界线
一天天 一年年
不管天多高 路多远
是晴天 是雨天

Always remind yourself of this song whenever you felt everything in life is difficult to you. Stay positively, and living our life can be quite easy and flawless sometimes.

To my beautiful goddess, it's a good sign that you had found me here. I would like to give you my warmest wish and regard, please make yourself comfortable here. Maybe you can try to consider yourself as my number one reader?! ^^ :P Haha!

Anyway welcome to my own private blog dear, I'm so glad to see you here. *wink* :) Love you so much.

P.S. A beauty heart, everything reflex beautifully. It's up to us to find beauty in the ugliest days.

Monday, January 10, 2011

You just can't care about everybody's opinion

Yes, everyone in my university knows about I'm currently having a girlfriend now. And it's sweet when some of my friends actually sent their best regards to me and I'm well aware of that I'm the luckiest person on earth, not to mention that I did have a tremendous sweet and beautiful girlfriend with me now...

The problem is that this few days, I'd received some of the 'bad joke' from my university friends. It makes me feel uncomfortable and sad because they're my only good friends here. The jokes are sort of like 'eh, today didn't go for dating with girlfriend?' as I'm well comfortable with myself staying at the hostel, 'so fast backed from dating already?' as I didn't went out for any date, 'didn't go to the class earlier to date before the lecture class starts?' before I'm preparing myself for classes, those are the some minor jokes that I'm able to look pass it because some people are just like to make fun of us and the things they'd said aren't meant anything. But today the most-pissed-me-off-joke that I'd received is 'we'll need to arrange a farewell party for all of us already, because our group of friends is fallen apart now...'.


What the hell is all the words that came from these people means?! I don't think those are supposed to be funny when it's addressed to you! A lousy joke I should say. I'm sorry that I can't take any of these joke anymore because it's just over my limits of temptation, that's just too much of teasing for a single day! I don't think that I'd neglected any of my friends as we still enjoy our university life, do stuffs that we'd always do together, and always be there for them whenever they needed me, doesn't it good enough for being as a friend?

I know most poeple who said that were probably people who cares about me, and I love my girlfriend very much but can't anyone just let us live happily together and minimizes all the teasing stuffs? All my friends are important to me, so as my family! So stop treating me as if I'd changed to a different person and I'll be grateful to receive all the supports from you all, which I'm absolutely needed it now!

I just hope that one day that particular person will stop carrying on her irresponsible behaviour and beware of the her unethical action is actually slowly destroying herself and her friendship, and nevertheless indirectly hurting the person she'd cares about the most. I really feel sorry for her through the bottom of my heart but I wish that one day we'll be able to let bygones be bygones and starts our friendship again... By doing so, nobody will need to lose anyone in the future, doesn't it sounds better this way?

P.S. All emotion pain lasts for twelve minutes, anything longer than that is self-inflicted