Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Hat Thinking








sick of feeling this anymore..... :(
When will it ends...?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Its all begins with...

Don't quit when the tide is the lowest, for it is just about to turn; Don't quit over doubts and questions, for there is something you may learn; Don't quit when the night is the darkest, for it's just a while till dawn; Don't quit when you have run the furthest, for the race is almost won; Don't quit for you are not a failure, until you fail to try.

Msn, September 2009.

P.S. 'Goddess, please tell me more about your story...'

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hazy Mood..

Somehow I just felt so confuse and lost with my feelings...

I always miss holding hands, miss warm hugging, miss randomly calling up and text-ing with someone day and night, miss the feeling of being missed by someone no matter I'm well awake or deep asleep... From time to time, I really miss all those feeling so much it stuck back at me knowing that being single all these while wasn't that awesome after all...

It's like after so many things I've done to fit myself in the society, nothing much had changed where I stand... I miss those anniversary to remember, I miss those touchy feelings that I'd once felt before, I miss those secure feeling that I had always treasured...

Somehow, I couldn't really know how to definite the word Love anymore, neither between being a best friends or boy friend... I wasn't sure my heart was ready to let everything in the past be bygones neither she's ready to be committed in a relationship...

Apparently, I wasn't sure I'm ready to move on from the past memories either... I wanted to be fair to her, I wanted to be fair for both of us...

No one says being in pair is easy, no one gives the right guidelines for a perfect couple path... No one even says loving someone is gonna be easy too... Guess we'll just have to walk out things by our own huh?! When is the right time/moment for me to feel it again...??! Hmmm...

But one thing for sure,
I'd amazingly fell for her now... :D

Thanks God...

I feel much better already... ^^

P.S. The wait will be worth it! One day, I'll find someone I can laugh with all day, share my deepest secrets with, talk about everything and have the best time of my life. Until then, I won't settle for anything less.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy 22nd Birthday to you Karyn Ng Meimei!

Happy 22nd Birthday to you Karyn Ng Meimei a.k.a. granddaughter a.k.a. my ex-girlfriend!! *wink* :P

Sorry nothing much I can bring you this year, and sorry I'm unable to always bring you joy and happiness...

Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you extra shares of all that make you happier!
